
Day 13 of the keto diet (171.6 lbs)

I had a man explain to me on Facebook last night that the diet was keto not Keto and that it didn’t matter what you ate as long as your macros are intact. He was one of those nice fellows whom everyone in the group adores and defended vehemently when I suggested that eating grains was not in line with a keto diet. The group follows him because he is a nice guy that tells them they can have grains and rice and ice cream on their keto diets. Anyway, he browbeat me until I quit the group.

The group was helpful at times when I had a question, but it was also frustrating with the number of people asking “Can I have this chocolate cake?” or “Can I have Pizza on Tuesday nights and not get kicked out of keto?” (as if it were a club). It was obvious that 80% of those that started asking questions had never read the intro material provided by the group’s admin. I looked for another group and found one more suited to my age, but haven’t heard back from them yet. I’m not sure that I need one anyway since my situation is so unique.

The Fibro gets harder and harder to deal with. I am drinking one bulletproof coffee and one 5 HourEnergy every morning to try and get fog lifted to get through the day. My focus is almost gone. I am still holding out hope for the keto diet. After I become fat-adapted (after 3-4 weeks) keto dieters have energy and mental clarity. If the keto can drown out he Fibro maybe I will too. I have every finger crossed for this.

If not…I am going to talk to my doctor about Memantine (Namenda) for the fog. If that doesn’t work….well, then we may be talking disability. I fear my cognitive ability has reduced to the point of not being able to do my job much longer.

I am also thinking of adding these two supplements to my diet.

  • Omega-3 fatty acid
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine

I also used to take Savella. I am going to start taking it again tomorrow. I remember it really helping long ago, but my stomach became intolerant of it, so I stopped. I’m willing to try the stomach again..anything to lift the veil.


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